Purujit Choudhury
Gauhati Medical College, India
Title: Is chronic pancreatitis an unsolved enigma of pancreatic milestone? An observation Purujit Choudhury
Biography: Purujit Choudhury
Introduction: Chronic pancreatitis is a disease of varied aetiology with high morbidity and remarkably significant mortality if intervention is late and improper. It was said to be a non-surgical disease. No surgical procedure can restore its function or it is unlikely to prevent further glandular destruction. Avoidance of alcohol is determinant of outcome after all operation striving to improve quality of life which is also dismal. There are many surgeries but no one can cure pain in totto which is the main symptom to affect quality of life.
Materials & Methods: Thorough history, physical examination, laboratory data and imaging are used to diagnose the cases. CT and MRCP are the imaging commonest used though CT guided FNAC was advocated in doubtful cases of pancreatitis involves head. Conservative and surgical procedures are adopted for the management of the cases according to extent of pathology.
Results: Quality of life is dramatically improved when treated early. Long time follow-up shows recurrence and high morbidity who presented late. Surgical procedures are unable to cure symptoms in totto. Improve quality of life was achieved by surgeries. Recurrence of ductal stones in small percentage of cases could manage with improved function.
Conclusion: Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease with massive parenchymal destruction of both exocrine and endocrine system and replaced by fibrous tissue. Many of the cases might develop carcinoma. Early surgical intervention favors its prognosis. Counseling is mandatory before starting treatment.